
Email Marketing

Having a solid and customised email marketing campaign is one of the first steps towards generating a loyal and returning bank of visitors and subscribers. With over 3.7 billion global email users, email marketing was the original form of online media marketing and is still the preferred method of communication for business purposes according to 86% of professionals.

Tip-Top Media Co.’s email marketing service is a complete service for your online mail list. We create newsletters, manage subscriber lists and convert email readers into clients/customers. With a median ROI of 122%, email is the highest returning marketing format including social media and paid searches. A firm email marketing strategy is one of and if not the best way of building a community of subscribers actively following your company’s latest products and services.

Why is email marketing important for your business?

Connect with your Customers in Real-Time

People Engage with Emails

Email Marketing is Easy to Measure

It's Affordable

Targeted Messenging

Increase Brand Awareness

Email Marketing Services

There’s much more to email marketing strategy than sending out weekly emails, with subscriber segmentation, email personalisation and media integration now being necessary elements of any successful email campaigns. We provide complete and tailored email marketing management for our clients, including tracking KPIs, creating custom template designs and optimising CTA placements.

Our Email Marketing Ideology

At Tip-Top Media Co., we believe in developing bespoke, brand-specific email marketing campaigns that will bolster more than just your email subscriber count. Email marketing has the power to convert visitors into customers, with targeted, customised and personalised marketing having been shown as the most effective method to do so. All of our projects start with an introductory meeting where we get to know you and your company’s needs, goals and current trajectory. We also find out what kind of web presence and online marketing your business currently has so that we can prepare a structured set of objectives to achieve throughout are time together.

Customised Design Templates

The in-house design team at Tip-Top Media Co. designs fully personalised email templates to match your website and brand’s style, making sure your company logo, colours and branding are present across every email sent.

Covert Your Visitors

All of our targeted email marketing campaigns are prepared with careful analysis of your current visitors and subscribers. By understanding the various demographics of your followers, we can develop personalised campaigns to ensure they become loyal customers.

Segmented Campaigns

We create various sets of subscriber lists and analyse how to best target various subscriber demographics. Segmented email campaigns have a 100.95% higher click-through than non-segmented campaigns, making them a must for your email marketing strategy.

Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns

All of our marketing campaigns are specially prepared and targeted to a demographic of subscribers with specific targets. We believe in tailored marketing campaigns instead of flooding your subscribers’ spam boxes with email.


We specialise in driving revenue using the latest email marketing techniques. If you are looking to scale, let’s have a chat and discuss your goals.